If the answer to your question is not on this page, you can ask questions by email to
Questions and answers about visiting the church building, location, worship service time, and what to expect are at
How old is Pastor Bob Joyce?
Pastor Bob Joyce is Robert Wayne Joyce, born on June 19, 1952.
Is Pastor Bob Joyce married?
Yes. Pastor Bob Joyce has been married to his wife, Willena, since 1975. They have three children and several grandchildren.
When was Pastor Bob Joyce ordained as a minister?
May 25, 1981
When did Pastor Bob Joyce begin the Household of Faith in Benton, Arkansas?
Around 2010 and prior to organizing Household of Faith Church, Pastor Bob Joyce and his wife Willena met with just 7 or 8 people each week, including John Cook and his wife Marti. By 2014, a business rental space on Salem Road for Household of Faith Church provided a weekly location for worship services, moving to a larger space in the same building in 2017 and allowing for about 35 to 40 chairs during the sermon. In 2019, Household of Faith moved to its current location at 5601 Salt Creek Rd, where classrooms and a fellowship hall have been added to the building with about 100 chairs in the sanctuary, and the parking lot is as large as the property can contain, providing space for about 20 vehicles. New property was purchased in 2024 that is being prepared for services in 2025. The current location is still 5601 Salt Creek, but the new location will be on Samples Road a few miles away.
Does Household of Faith have any other pastors?
No. Pastor Bob Joyce is the only pastor of Household of Faith Church. An internet rumor of two pastors or two different men is false. The same man has welcomed visitors, preached every sermon, and led every song service at Household of Faith Church since the beginning. It is not clear why anyone ever suggested otherwise.
Does Pastor Bob Joyce preach every Sunday?
Yes. Pastor Bob Joyce preaches every Sunday. Any planned changes are announced weeks in advance on
Did Pastor Bob Joyce really send me private messages?
No. Pastor Bob Joyce does not send private messages. People have pretended to be Bob Joyce on multiple occasions. He does not send private messages through any online account. The only Facebook account for Pastor Bob Joyce is: All other Bob Joyce accounts on Facebook or anywhere else online are not him. More details are found here:
What does Pastor Bob Joyce think about some of the things said about him?
Pastor Bob Joyce never compares himself or claims to be any other person. Online posts, pages, videos, accounts, comments, or groups which compare Pastor Bob Joyce to any other person are not part of his ministry.
A direct quote from October 2017, “Neither John Cook, nor I, nor anyone else on this page or website or any other, have ever stated or tried to lead people in believing that I am or ever was some other person. This ministry is not about the promotion of any man, but continued proclamation and exaltation of the person and the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God.” – Pastor Bob Joyce
In December 2017, Pastor Bob Joyce made a video addressing some of these issues directly. Please hear what Pastor Bob said directly and not what others continue to say about him. Anything which takes the focus off Jesus Christ is not a part of his ministry.
Does Pastor Bob Joyce have music available to order?
Yes. Gospel music CDs are available at for ordering and shipping globally. Digital music is also available for those who do not listen to CDs. All proceeds from music sales are added to the church operating funds. Pastor Bob Joyce does not take a salary, and there are no paid church staff. Pastor Bob Joyce and local church members donate their time and talents for weekly worship services, building maintenance, and online support.
Does Pastor Bob Joyce really support someone or something with his name online?
Pastor Bob Joyce preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone who will listen to his sermon each week. To know if Pastor Bob Joyce supports someone or something, please watch his sermons. Posts from official group accounts may be from a member of the administration team and not from Pastor Bob Joyce himself. Photos of people standing with Pastor Bob are proof of meeting him, but not an endorsement by him. He takes photos with any visitors who ask. People attending the services or posting online, even in official places, have various backgrounds and may even have views with which Pastor Bob Joyce does not agree. Pastor Bob Joyce’s sermons are proof of his message and his beliefs. Anything associated with Pastor Bob Joyce which is contradictory to his sermons is unlikely to have his support.
Is Pastor Bob in the hospital? Someone said he is.
No. Pastor Bob is not in the hospital. He is in good health, and has preached each week as planned. Another false rumor was started online in early December 2022 that church services were cancelled because Pastor Bob was in the hospital, but Pastor Bob was preaching to about 100 people in the church building that same day. Rumors also appear to be ‘breaking news’ each time they are repeated, causing unnecessary concern. Any actual changes to Pastor Bob’s plans for preaching each Sunday will be posted at the official website
When is the weekly sermon uploaded to YouTube?
The sermon and song service are recorded on Sunday and uploaded as soon as possible after formatting and processing. If possible, the sermon is uploaded to the YouTube channel by 7:00pm Central Time on Sunday. Subscribing to the YouTube channel is free and can provide a notification when the videos are made available.

What is the official website for Pastor Bob Joyce and Household of Faith?
The official website is
Does Pastor Bob Joyce use email?
Yes, his personal email account is currently – other email accounts which he has used in the past may no longer be active.
Does Pastor Bob Joyce have a Facebook account?
Yes, his Facebook account is and managed by Pastor Bob Joyce personally. He does not use nicknames or other accounts to reach out to people privately for conversation or money.
There are dishonest people who are doing those things.
Does Pastor Bob Joyce have an official Facebook group?
Yes. The official Facebook group is

The purpose of the official Facebook group is to share the good news of Jesus Christ and support Pastor Bob Joyce’s ministry. Topics and discussions which distract from Pastor Bob Joyce’s ministry will be moderated to keep the focus on Jesus.
Other Facebook groups using the name of Pastor Bob Joyce or Household of Faith are not the official Facebook group that was started personally by him in 2017.
Where are the sermons posted? What is the official YouTube channel?
The official YouTube channel for all sermons, music, and other videos by Pastor Bob Joyce at Household of Faith since August 2022 is
From 2011 to July 2022, there are hundreds of official sermons, music, and other authorized videos on John Cook’s YouTube channel.
Please do not upload or edit copies of videos from YouTube to other locations online. YouTube videos may be shared easily without copying, re-uploading, or editing, using the YouTube sharing link or the arrow button to share.
Does Pastor Bob Joyce have a Twitter account?
Pastor Bob Joyce said he has never used Twitter. Any Twitter accounts with his name are not run by him.
Does Pastor Bob Joyce use Telegram, TikTok, WhatsApp, or other social media platforms?
No. There are no authorized Telegram, TikTok, Instagram, Rumble, Truth Social, CashApp, WhatsApp, or other social media accounts or groups for Pastor Bob Joyce or the Household of Faith Church. Pastor Bob Joyce never promotes content or any use of his name which takes the focus off of Jesus Christ. He does not provide or request payment or financial information of any kind, and has not asked anyone to do so on behalf of the church. People doing these things using his name are dishonest. More details are here:
Why are there so many other Pastor Bob Joyce and Household of Faith groups online?
Pastor Bob Joyce’s goal is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone who will hear, no matter where they are located. His goal is helped when others share his sermon videos, but his goal is hindered when others use his name and edit his videos for personal gain or to promote their own agenda. The many Facebook groups, YouTube channels, and any other sources which turn the attention away from Pastor Bob Joyce’s message of Jesus Christ are not approved by Pastor Bob Joyce.
What is the harm in sharing Pastor Bob Joyce’s videos all over the internet?
Sharing videos from the official YouTube channels (currently PastorBobJoyce and earlier at John Cook Videos) is absolutely allowed and encouraged! Please share the videos from YouTube, using the YouTube sharing link or arrow button to share. Downloading, copying, and editing the videos are dishonest and harmful.
Innocent people have been hurt by others who have posted videos and pretended to run accounts on behalf of Pastor Bob Joyce or on behalf of Household of Faith Church. Genuinely supporting Pastor Bob Joyce should not involve copying his videos or manipulating his message of Jesus Christ. Please share the original YouTube link when sharing his videos.
What about this other group or account that has Pastor Bob Joyce’s name on it?
Pastor Bob Joyce does not run any private Facebook groups or any online groups where admission approval is required, and he never sends private messages requesting any kind of payment on any app or website. Pastor Bob Joyce does not have any Telegram accounts, does not have any TikTok accounts, does not use X, and has not authorized any accounts which may be using his name or the name of the church.
Pastor Bob does not use any of the other social media programs despite many of those apps having accounts where someone else is using his name. If you want to report a concern, send an email for us to review at
How will I know if something online is unauthorized?
If there is any online group or video which actively turns the attention away from Pastor Bob Joyce’s message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, even if they use Bob’s name and his videos, it is most likely unauthorized. We pray that those who are changing Pastor Bob Joyce’s message of the gospel of Jesus Christ will stop confusing, misdirecting, and harming the purpose of his ministry.
The official website is all that is needed to find each week’s sermons, songs, and announcements. If you only want to check one official YouTube channel for the newest authorized videos, it is The official Facebook group is All the other Facebook groups using Pastor Bob Joyce’s name or the Household of Faith name are not the official group for Pastor Bob Joyce. If you want to see the official music and sermon videos from 2011 to July 2022, John Cook’s YouTube channel is the authorized channel for that period of time.
Is this request for payment legitimate? It sounds so sincere!
No. There have been multiple reports of requests for money or some type of financial activity by people claiming to be Pastor Bob Joyce, pretending to represent Household of Faith Church, or promoting purposes that appear to have Pastor Bob Joyce’s approval. These reports have resulted in loss and anger when it is clear that Pastor Bob Joyce was not involved in any way. Pastor Bob does not send private messages requesting any kind of payment. Anyone can create an account, copy his photo, and say that their name is Bob Joyce. Some even offer to pray with you or provide some kind of guidance using his name, however, they are false.
Legitimate donations to the church may be sent at
If you have been contacted online by someone claiming to be Pastor Bob Joyce or anyone requesting any kind of payment for Pastor Bob Joyce or the Household of Faith Church, send an email for us to investigate at
Why did a comment or post get deleted?
Some comments and posts on official pages are automatically blocked when they contain references to unknown content, such as links to other videos, websites, products, or payment systems. YouTube and other sites may automatically block many comments. Discussions of topics which are unrelated to Pastor Bob Joyce’s ministry may be deleted because they distract from the purpose of the group. Comparison of Pastor Bob Joyce to any other person is not the purpose of his ministry for Jesus Christ. In the authorized Facebook group, posts which should be deleted will be deleted once they are seen by an administrator. You can report inappropriate posts to an administrator on Facebook by using the three dots next to the post.
Why didn’t a comment or post get deleted?
There are dozens of other online groups and social media accounts which falsely appear to belong to Pastor Bob Joyce or the Household of Faith Church, using the name, but these accounts are not authorized by Pastor Bob Joyce. These unauthorized groups and accounts allow and promote names, topics, videos, and discussions which are not approved by Pastor Bob Joyce and actively distract from his message of Jesus Christ. There is no one in unauthorized groups who is willing to delete these and bring the focus back to Pastor Bob Joyce’s ministry for Jesus Christ.
Does Pastor Bob Joyce see all the comments and questions online? Why didn’t I get a response?
Hundreds of new posts and comments are made daily in many places online. It is not possible for all comments in every social media group, page, post, video, or discussion online to be seen and read by Pastor Bob Joyce, especially in any groups which are not administered by him or the small local church congregation. No offense is meant, nor is any rudeness intended when online comments, prayer requests, and questions do not receive a response.
I have a question that isn’t answered on this page
If the answer to your question is not on this page, you can ask questions by email to
May the Lord bless you and keep you.