Visit Information

Planning to visit to Household of Faith Church?

Visitors may join us at 5601 Salt Creek Road, Benton, Arkansas, 72019
Traveling on Interstate 30, take Exit 117 north to Salt Creek Road.
Worship service begins at 10:00am on Sunday, with doors opening by 9:15am.
Parking and seating space are limited, and we apologize in advance if our sanctuary is full.

What is the worship service like?

  • The service begins just after 10:00 with a welcome to first-time visitors and general information
  • Prayer requests and praise updates from the congregation
  • Opening prayer
  • Music service led by Pastor Bob Joyce on piano
  • Sermon by Pastor Bob Joyce
  • Closing prayer and dismissal (usually between 12:00 and 12:30)

Is Household of Faith part of any particular Christian denomination?

Household of Faith seeks to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ. Members and visitors from Pentecostal and Baptist backgrounds may recognize many of the same aspects of the worship service, but singing and preaching are familiar to all Christian denominations. Members of our congregation may worship differently, but the focus is the same Jesus Christ.

Does Pastor Bob Joyce preach every Sunday?

Yes, Pastor Bob Joyce preaches every Sunday. Any changes will be announced in advance on the website and other locations online, but he has not missed a Sunday in years.

How big is the building?

There are chairs for around 100 people in the sanctuary. The parking lot has spaces for about 20 vehicles. It is not unusual for both the parking lot and the sanctuary to be full. The church was in an even smaller location until 2019, with chairs for about 40 people. On Sundays with higher attendance, those who arrive after the sanctuary chairs are full are offered seating in our fellowship hall area to watch the worship service on a television/monitor. Pastor Bob Joyce has often commented that he hopes we will have more space for people to worship with us locally in the future.

Will I be the only first-time visitor?

It is unusual for a service to have fewer than a dozen first-time visitors. Most weeks, visitors have come from at least five different states, though the particular states (and countries) change each week.

What about photos and videos?

We ask that no photographs or videos are taken during the music and sermon in our weekly service. The church records each service for upload online, and keeping individual cameras and phones down provides less distraction for those who are there to worship with the local congregation.
Pastor Bob Joyce often takes photos with visitors before and after the service.

What is the dress code?

There is no specific dress code, everyone is asked to wear clothing they feel is appropriate for worship.

Do you have facilities for children?

Yes, there is a nursery room available for your needs when tending to babies and Sunday school classrooms for children during the sermon. Children may also remain with their adults at all times, if preferred.

Is an offering collected?

No offering plates are passed during the service. Anyone who would like to give may use the small wooden box on the wall of the sanctuary labeled “Offering” with a slot on the top. Offerings, tithes, and other donations may be sent online or by mail with instructions at
Gospel music CDs are also available and all proceeds are added to the church funds.

Are there other times when the church building is open for visitors?

Beginning August 2023, a Wednesday Evening Bible Study is being led by Thomas Joyce at 6:30pm.

Besides Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, there are no other times the building is open for visitors. The doors are opened by 9:15am prior to the Sunday service at 10:00am, and this is the only time the building is open for visitors. All rehearsals and building maintenance activities are closed to the public.

Does the church have a phone number?

No. The church does not have a phone number and the building is secured but unoccupied most days of the week. Household of Faith is a small local congregation without any paid staff.

Does Pastor Bob Joyce perform weddings and baptisms?

There are more requests for weddings than Pastor Bob Joyce could accommodate, and he has not performed a wedding for visitors in some time.
Pastor Bob Joyce does announce a designated Sunday for baptisms each year, generally in August, when he baptizes by immersion in water based upon profession of faith in Jesus Christ and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Pastor Bob Joyce selected August 13, 2023, as the designated 2023 Sunday for baptisms and August 11, 2024, was designated for 2024 baptisms.

How can I become a member of the Household of Faith Church in Benton?

Pastor Bob likes to say that anyone who attends three times is automatically a member, and then they should just keep coming. Members attend as often as possible, and thousands of people have visited the church at least once, but only around 100 can fit comfortably each Sunday in our current building. If you are unable to attend in person, please watch our recorded services online. Sing along, worship with us from where you are, and draw closer to Jesus Christ each week.

Where should I stay overnight?

Hotels and RV accommodations in the cities of Benton and Bryant are nearest to the church (less than 10 miles), with more options in Little Rock and Hot Springs further away. We know each visitor has different plans and we have no particular recommendations for options in this area.

What other resources does the church provide?

We meet in a small building on Sunday mornings and have a small local congregation of retired, disabled, or working people who have other responsibilities during the week. The church does not have any paid staff or additional resources that many larger churches are able to provide. Our purpose is to support Pastor Bob Joyce in his ministry to share the message of Jesus Christ to the world.

Anything else I should know?

The building is located in a valley beside a small creek and it has a metal roof. For these reasons, it is often difficult to have cell phone service while inside the building. Cell phone service improves outside and in the parking lot.

Please note that Household of Faith has not met on Salem Road since 2019. A few online sources incorrectly show the previous Salem Road address.